This page lists a number of items that are missing from 46464. The engine was initially dismantled over twenty years ago to start assessing repairs and then moved location. Several parts were removed for use as patterns for replacements or taken away for refurbishment and despite best efforts to locate them they now appear to have been lost. I have included photographs of the remaining item for reference. I will also include sketches at a later date.
We have received much assistance from Eric Cooper and others at the Strathspey Railway in helping locate parts of the locomotive which were still at Aviemore. This has saved us a lot of money and time to manufacture replacement parts. Thanks to everyone up there for their help.
Please click on the links below for further pictures and descriptions of the part.
Qty. Description
1 L.M.S. Pattern Screw Coupling.
2 Builders Plates, 'Built Crewe 1950'.
Brass Oilbox
- Lubricator for Right Trailing Axlebox Horns.
2 Brass Oilbox - Lubricator for Pony Truck.
17 Boiler Washout Plugs.
1 Regulator Gland, Inner.
Water gauge
Operating Lever Link.
2 Water
gauge Water Cock Cranks.
1 Upper (shoulder) Hand Hole Doors.
2 Sections of Firegrate.
1 Cab Spectacle Frame
and Handle.
2 Rear Sandbox
1 Front Sandbox Backing Plate.
1 Rocking Grate Operating Lever.
If you may be able to help us source any of these parts then please contact myself, Ian Hopley.